G-93NLXY8P7B What is Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP)?

What is Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP)?

What is Advanced Endpoint Protection ? 
With the shift to remote work and adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices, the endpoint has become a renewed focus for cyber threat actors. Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) solutions provide increased security to corporate endpoints by leveraging the latest in security technology.
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What is Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP)?
With the shift to remote work and adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices, the endpoint has become a renewed focus for cyber threat actors. Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) solutions provide increased security to corporate endpoints by leveraging the latest in security technology.

How Does Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) Work
AEP solutions integrate advanced security technologies into a single solution, enabling it to more effectively prevent, detect, and respond to threats to the endpoint. Some of the security functions included in AEP include:
Machine Learning: Machine learning (ML) solutions are able to learn patterns and trends from data and apply this knowledge to threat detection and response. A key benefit of ML for endpoint protection is the ability to learn and improve its models over time.
Threat Intelligence: Access to real-time threat intelligence enables AEP solutions to identify the latest cyber threat campaigns. This information can be leveraged by machine learning and signature detection tools to identify signs of an intrusion on the protected endpoint.
Security Analytics: Security analytics tools aggregate security data from multiple sources and analyze it to identify trends and potential indicators of attack. These solutions provide security personnel with more in-depth visibility into their endpoints and the ability to more quickly understand and respond to an attack.
Tailored Protection: As organizations continue to deploy Internet of Things (IoT) devices and other specialized endpoints, they are exposed to new security risks and attack vectors. AEP solutions provide targeted, tailored protection to these connected devices.
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): EDR solutions analyze security data from multiple sources and use it to identify potential threats. In addition to generating security alerts, EDR tools can automatically take action to prevent, mitigate, or eradicate a threat, such as terminating malicious processes or quarantining an infected computer from the network.

Main Benefits Of Advanced Endpoint Protection
AEP solutions are designed to enhance an organization’s endpoint security. Key benefits include:

Improved Threat Management: AEP solutions combine the latest in endpoint security technology in a single, integrated solution. This enables these solutions to more effectively detect and respond to potential threats on corporate endpoints.
Continuous Improvement: The tools are built using ML, which can learn from new data and update its internal models over time. This enables AEP solutions to grow more efficient and effective at detecting and responding to potential incidents over time, enabling security to keep pace with evolving cyber threats.
Security Automation: The solutions are designed to automate as much of the security process as possible. This enables more rapid threat response and relieves the burden on security personnel, who can then focus their time and efforts where it provides the most benefit to the organization.
Key Features Of Advanced Endpoint Protection
While AEP solutions may share some features with older endpoint security tools, they offer access to advanced technologies and improved security integration. Some of the key features of AEP solutions include:

Advanced Threat Detection Technology: Using advanced threat detection technology, including machine learning, security analytics, security automation, enables more efficient and automated detection and response to potential security incidents.
Self-Learning and Evolution: The continuous improvement enabled by the use of machine learning is an essential component. By continually updating its internal models based on new observations, an AEP solution develops more efficient and effective methods of identifying potential threats and automatically responding to them.
Automated Threat Management: Threat detection and response automation enables endpoint protection tools to quickly shut down a threat as soon as it has been detected. This helps to minimize the impact of intrusions by decreasing or eliminating their opportunity to take malicious actions on the infected device.
Security Integration: AEP solutions offer security integration, bringing multiple disparate security functions and capabilities together within a single solution. This both improves the efficiency of the solution, expands its capabilities, and reduces the management overhead for security personnel.
Streamlined Management: AEP solutions are designed to streamline threat management via security automation and integration. To do so, these solutions should improve the management experience for security personnel by automatically collating data for threat hunting, generating reports, and collecting key data and response actions into user-friendly dashboards.
Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) With Harmony Endpoint
Check Point Harmony Endpoint is a comprehensive endpoint security solution with industry-leading threat prevention and intrusion detection capabilities. Its behavioral analysis and machine learning algorithms identify and block malware before it can cause damage and offer extremely high catch rates while minimizing false positive detections. Additionally, as part of the Harmony solution suite, Harmony Endpoint integrates with other solutions to offer security integration with centralized, user-friendly security management.
To learn more about what to look for in an endpoint security solution, check out this Buyer’s Guide. You’re also welcome to sign up for a free trial of Harmony Endpoint to see its capabilities for yourself.

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